martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

the edge is gone....

This is a personal statement on how i want you to know why im not straight edge anymore! Many people are gonna be offended and i dont even know why. I believe straight edge is a personal commitment, a bond you do with yourself, a personal choice.
Ive seen alot of people come and go in between the years, i made fun, i criticized, and i never thought i was gonna be the one walking through that door in the end.
The thing is that i still love straight edge, hardcore and everything. I ve been straight edge for a while and i was just seeing so many things all around i did not agreed with. Straight edge has become something different from what i used to know.... lots of people take the name in the wrong ways and they dont do it for the substance its supposed to be done. FIrstly when i went to Guatemala back in december 09 i was so dissapointed when a group of "straight edge" kids beat up my friends. (2 of them had broken noses and had to get operated inmediately), seeing what i have seen grown, with effort, energy, happiness, sadness, and whatever was being destroyed. Not to say the least when i got to barcelona i never felt welcomed in the str8 edge scene.....
I was looking at a constant elite being created, how if you werent into the "bands" , if you werent wearing what you had to wear, and following a movement!
im tired of this, tired of not being an individual..... yes, its a positive choice (the best you can make) but i guess my ride has come to an end.
If this actually brings a barrier between you and me im sad to see it..
im only human as anyone else, and this is my choice.
I havent been straight edge for a while, but i thought i had to comment on it for those who did not know!
thanks for all the memories sxe
you will always be in my heart!
peace out

2 comentarios:

  1. Vato, no tienes que demostrar nada a nadie, ni siquiera a ti mismo. Con tal de que sigas molando tanto, ya llega y sobra.
    Tienes todo el derecho a acertar, equivocarte, volver a acertar... y así toda una vida. Ser dogmático es poco práctico y doloroso. Be water, seguro que se te da bien.

  2. Mi querido Diego:
    Sabes, yo en verdad sentí lo mismo desde hace muchos años aquí en la escena Mexicana. Decidí alejarme de todo y de much@s debido a mucha de la ignorancia que hay dentro del straight edge. La verdad es que sigo siendo Drug Free, y aunque ahora veo a decenas y decenas de chic@s usando "x" en las manos, o tatuándose referentes al SXE, me dá mucha tristeza verlos después de algunos meses bebiendo y buscando peleas con quienes no "simpatizan" con su estilo de vida. Estoy contigo, verdaderamente te entiendo y creeme, solo algun@s sobrevivimos con nuestra mente clara y libre. Te mando un fuerte abrazo!
