Lately ive been going through a difficult time in my life.... see, things are not going the way i want them to go!
Anxiety and boredom are becoming a part of me!.... boredom? yeah, i feel that my life has becomed monotonous just the way as it was back home! everyone keeps asking: "dude youre in barcelona, shouldnt you be enjoying yourself? , youre on the other part of the world...."
YEah i know that.... and im forever greatful with life... for i have lived, traveled, experienced, and done lots of things most people just dream about....
But im in a time when everything just keeps freaking me out. Getting old, having different responsibilites, missing the shit out of my friends and family.... they all mix up and play with my day feelings.
Its hard to have left my life (25 years of what i was accostumed) and having a new different life.
Trying to know new people (which is hard), not feeling myself most of the time... it dissapoints me.
Why am i with all this emotional bullshit? well, i have always been emotional about my life....
i know and hold dear that things happen for a reason. Life spins you up and down and takes you everywhich way.... and you can just avoid this.
I know Im in barcelona for a reason............ i just want to find out what it is............ i dont know what life has prepared for me.
But like i said before... ill say it again ANXIETY KEEPS KILLING ME!
so ill end this with:
please give me a fuckin sign and ill swear that ill make it out of here alive!
It is very common in this life that to happen, there will be neither the first nor the last person who feels this way, we all go through that. And in this life to have something also must sacrifice something too, take the opportunity to know these places and people, they are opportunities to grow as a person and thereby enrich your life. You've come a long way as to give up now.